Sunday, May 23, 2004

First Blog - 50 days to go!

So, my very first blog.

I think the idea of blogging is great and will be handy on my travels, to let everyone know where I am. Speaking of which, theres only 50 days to go until I leave now :) Then it'll be South America here we come! At least 7 months of travelling is my idea of a dream come true. I plan to update/blog/whatever wherever I can along the way at internet cafes and if I can, add some photo's so you can see what I'm seeing.


Today, I'm feeling pretty much ok, better than the last few days certainly.. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't nice - possibly a short bout of flu or maybe a reaction to all the vaccines I've had? At least there's only one needle prick to go - number 9 - Hepatitis B III on Friday. It's going to be another fairly lazy day today (yesterday I didn't even change out of my pyjamas!), but not too lazy.. I don't do lazy.


**Ok, this section may sound a bit weird, but I thought it'd be interesting to see how what I hear varies as I travel and (before I travel) what I hear as I go through my day. I may miss some things out or there might be something that appears every post, but well its my blog and this is how it is!**

So far today I've listened to the birds sing when something woke me up at 6 O'Clock and Radio 4 - not out of choice I may add.. maybe I'll grow to like it - and err maybe not! I've heard other stuff too - cars pass by, Harvey (our dog) bark, the phone ring, T.V. programmes (BBC News, Hollyoaks, adverts), and (save the best til last :) ) of course my family's voices.


**This section maybe a bit thin until I actually go, but until then it'll have stuff about preparing to travel**

So after yesterday I can cross a couple of things off my to do list. Next up is to find some proper travelling shoes. I'm going to read some reviews on the net to try and work out which ones I want to try. As far as planning actually travelling goes, I'm trying to work out my exa1ct route. I want to get to Uruguay, but I want to travel south from Buenos Aires and not have to worry about getting back into Argentina if I did venture to Uruguay first. Maybe I'll fly to Uruguay once I get to Bolivia and then travel up through Brazil, the logistics of which, I'm trying to find out.

So far countries intended are (perhaps not in the correct order yet!):

Paraguay (?)





I'm starting to narrow down now where I want to go in Argentina too. the Lake District sounds great, and Patagonia sounds like it is going to be an interesting challenge - it'll be mid-winter!

I read an interesting article about Mendoza yesterday, which is the biggest wine growing area in Argentina. It sounds idyllic, although I wouldn't want to go wine tasting, there is apparently a fair bit to see in the area.

That's it for now.